We treat the quality of our services, privacy and confidential information very seriously and in order to demonstrate this we have published a version 1.0 Data Security and Protection (DSP) Toolkit as specified by NHS England Digital.
This involved the development and approval of a comprehensive range of policies, procedures and registers. The complete documentation set is compliant with the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR. We have appointed a Caldicott Guardian, a Senior Information Risk Owner, a Data Protection Officer and an Information Governance / DSP Adviser. All staff have been trained in Data Protection principles and we regularly brief staff with regard to data security issues. We have an Information Governance incident management methodology and business continuity plan in place and to ensure continued improvement in this area we have developed a fully resourced data protection improvement plan. In addition, the organisation is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) registration number ZA344161.
All our information is stored securely and is backed up through accredited systems. We are Cyber Essentials PLUS accredited and a host provider of NHS net e-mail as well as having our own secure e-mail system.
We are also certified to both ISO9001:2015 Quality Management and the ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management standards which are internationally recognised quality marks administered by the British Standards Institute BSI and are annually assessed. We are proud to have passed all of our annual external assessments with no non conformalities or advisories and these assessments involve the inspection of our systems and processes which also reviews our assignments, projects and service outcomes.
We continually review and renew our policies and procedures and as part of our commitment and transparency to you, we publish these policies along with copies of our certification.
Governance Frameworks
We are also accredited to 12 Government Frameworks as an approved supplier for management consultancy services. These frameworks individually and independently evaluate and validate each of our applications. This involves us in providing evidence of our work including case studies and references, having effective processes and procedures in place to ensure we provide a quality service, have adequate insurance in place, are considered as being financially and corporately robust and are excellent value for money. This provides additional assurance to all our clients that we provide highly effective management solutions and outcomes as well as being good value to the taxpayer. These frameworks helps to reduce client procurement costs and time as clients can direct award contracts through our 13 frameworks.
The list of UK Government Frameworks in which In-Form Solutions Ltd are accredited include:
- Crown Commercial Service Supplier - G Cloud 14
- Crown Commercial Service Supplier - Low Value Purchase System
- NHS Shared Business Services (SBS)
- NHS Wales Informatics Service.
- NHS England Health Systems Support Framework (HSSF)
- North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative
- South Central and West CSU Dynamic Purchasing System.
- Bloom
- Government of Gibraltar
- Government of Jersey
We are also a listed accredited supplier to Midland and Lancashire CSU.
Policies and Procedures
All our policies & procedures are discussed and agreed at Corporate Board, and if appropriate, shared with our key stakeholders and employees.
The links to our policies and certifications are below:
- Quality Management System - ISO 9001:2015
- Environmental Management System - ISO 14001:2015
- HM Revenue & Customs Compliance Certificate 2020
- HM Revenue & Customs Compliance Certificate 2021
- HM Revenue & Customs Compliance Certificate 2022
- HM Revenue & Customs Compliance Certificate 2023
- HM Revenue & Customs Compliance Certificate 2024
- HM Revenue & Customs Compliance Certificate 2025
- SCW DPS Framework Accreditation
- NHS Shared Business Services Framework Accreditation
- G Cloud 13 Framework Accreditation
- Prompt Payment Code
- Bloom Framework
- Cyber Essentials Certificate
- Cyber Essentials PLUS Certificate
- Statement of Applicability
- ICO Certificate
- Professional Indemnity
- Employers Liability
- Public & Products Liability
- Cyber & Data Certificate
- NHS Digital Data Security & Protection Toolkit Accreditation
- NHS Digital Data Security & Protection Toolkit Certificate
- Data Protection Policy
- Corporate Ethical Policy
- Health & Safety Policy
- Equality & Diversity Policy
- Environmental Policy
- Data Retention Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Employees Data Protection Policy
- Quality Policy Statement
- Subject Access Request Policy
- Gifts & Hospitality Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Chamber of Commerce
- NHS Digital 8k385
- Accessibility Statement
- Company's House
- Carbon Reduction Plan