In-Form Solutions has considerable experience of government and NHS procurement. We provide bid specialists to assist organisations to write and manage proposals both large and small. Our experienced and successful bid managers are experts in bidding for public, private and third sector opportunities and we understand all types of tender documentation and the process of bidding for commercial work.
Our team can:
- Evaluate and qualify new opportunities.
- Understand service requirements of tenders, strategic fit, resourcing and financial feasibility.
- Develop a process and timeframe for bidding.
- Support with product design and outcomes.
- Support the Supply Chain process.
- Develop an Executive decision making, peer review and sign off process.
- Advise on pricing.
- Co-ordinate and undertake the bid writing, collation and submission process.
- Support with bid pitching and marketing during the evaluation period.
- Support to evaluate bid outcomes.
- Provide on going portal support to identify and evaluate opportunities.
Our team has supported both small SME's, GP Consortia as well as large public, private and third sector organisations and we ourselves have been successful in our application process in that we have been accredited to all Frameworks we have applied for with high evaluation scores.
In-Form Solutions Ltd
Lichfield Business Hub
Lichfield Council House
20 Frog Lane
WS13 6YY
+44 (0) 1543 560 280